Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In the Gutter

There are so many people with out jobs here on Long Island these days...it's a sad, sad state. Unemployment is at an all time high, cost of living is flippin ridonkulous. No one can afford anything these days. But ya know what's funny? My husband has been looking for people to come work with him  and no one wants to! Here's the issue...you have to WORK! Yup, imagine that...physical labor. That's a problem...no one wants to get their hands dirty anymore, no one wants to bust ass...nope! They want to bitch and moan about how there are no jobs out there..they want a job that pays well to do nothing....I can't help ya there, BUT....if you are willing to bust ass...

Spotless Gutter Cleaning and Repair
looking for hardworking motivated individuals for:
gutter work, fascia, soffit.
General knowledge of roofing helpful (ie.slate, shingle, flatroof)
own tools a must. call 516 695-5687 if interested.

while we are on the subject...fall is coming, you may want to think about getting your gutters cleaned and/or repaired as well. Cleaning your gutters now can save you heartache later! Water damage to your house is no joke, and can be avoided if you care for your gutters and roof now. So go ahead...give'em a call and tell them one sarcastic mom sent ya for an extra 10% off!!!

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